Sunday, December 7, 2008

At First Looks

Well, it's been one of those years.
Not that it's been all that bad. The last few months. Since I reached the magic number.
Since I lodged a development application with the council. Since the financial system melted around the edges. Oh, what the heck. Since I got up this morning :)

For those of you that are a whiz with Sudoku, a magic number is, well, magic.
For the rest of us that can count on more than two fingers, the magic number consists of two other numbers - your current age + number of years with the company. If that equals or exceeds 65, then you're on your way to Looking IN. Or another way of saying - You Are Out.

So, this is a BTW of letting people know what my current status is.
And I've seen my favorite "nephew" here, blogging in black.
Have to go.
More later.